Pernyataan Palang Hitam Indonesia (WA) terhadap serangan represif kontra-informasi internasional


Hal serupa juga terjadi di Indonesia, pembungkaman dan represifitas terhadap media kontra informasi makin digalakkan oleh Kepolisian Indonesia, seperti diadakannya “cyber police” atau polisi media sosial, yang tentunya sudah jelas itu bertujuan untuk mengisolasi penyebaran informasi sesama jaringan anarkis baik lokal maupun internasional.

Kepolisian Indonesia sejak tahun 2014 sampai 2019 sudah menggelontorkan dana sebesar ±900 milyar rupiah, yang digunakan sebagai dana bagi buzzer  untuk membantasi penyebaran dan tumbuhnya  media kontra-informasi. Di tahun 2018 Kepolisian Indonesia mulai menyoroti kembali gerakan anarkis di Indonesia. Pelarangan media arus utama meliput kekerasan kepolisan. Namun kami yakin baik secara individu maupun kelompok penyeberan informasi dan pemberontakan akan tetap ada dan makin berkembang. Bagaimana pun Negara, Kapitalisme, serta segala perangakatnya mencoba melakukan pembungkaman dan represifitas baik secara online atau fisik, dan ini bukan saatnya untuk diam dan berserah pada  rasa takut.

Di tengah terus meningkatnya kasus Covid-19 pada skala internasional, pemerintah di berbagai negara justru memanfaatkannya untuk membuat kebijakan-kebijakan yang tidak hanya membuat kemampuan ekonomi kita semakin tercekik, tapi juga kebebasan kita yang paling mendasar.

Kami meyakini tidak ada yang benar-benar aman dan terlepas dari resiko, terutama saat menjalankan situs kontra-informasi secara daring. Dan ini sebenarnya menjadi alasan fundamental mengapa kita harus merespon situasi yang semakin mencekik ini.

Kami menyerukan solidaritas internasional bagi nostate, 325, Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now! dan kontra info lainnya. Solidaritas untuk setiap tahanan anarkis di seluruh penjuru dunia, Bara-Baraya, Pancoran, Pakel dan segala bentuk upaya untuk pembebasan.

It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here? What better time than now?” -RATM


Palang Hitam anarkis Indonesia (WA)



Solidarity statement against the attack and repression of international counter-information


The same thing also happened in Indonesia, the silencing and repressiveness of the counter-information media has been increasingly encouraged by the Indonesian Police, such as the creation of a “cyber police” or social media police, which one of their aims are to isolate the spread of information not only anarchist networks but other political dissidents and those who have the courage the criticize the state.

The Indonesian Police from 2014 to 2019 have disbursed funds of ± 900 billion rupiah, which are used as funds for buzzers to curb the spread and growth of counter-information media. In 2018 the Indonesian Police began to re-focus the anarchist movement in Indonesia. And also the recent statement from the national police to ban media from covering police violence. However, we are sure that both individuals and groups who are focusing on counter-information and grassroot reports will continue to exist and grow. At the severity of this situation in which the State, Capitalism, and all its tools try to carry out silencing and repressiveness either online or physically, are not the time to be silent and surrender ourselves to fear.

Amid the continuing increase in Covid-19 cases on an international scale, governments in various countries are using it to make policies that not only choke our economic capacity, but also our most basic freedoms.

We believe nothing is completely safe and free from risks, especially when running counter-information sites online. And this is actually the fundamental reason why we must respond to this increasingly suffocating situation.

We are calling for international solidarity (in whatever means possible) for nostate, 325, Anarchist Black Cross Berlin, Montreal Counter-Info, Northshore Counter-Info, Act For Freedom Now! and other cons info. Solidarity for every anarchist prisoner in all corners of the world (Toby Shone, Monica, Fransico etc), and anti-eviction movements in Bara-Baraya, Pancoran, Pakel and all forms of struggle for liberation and independence.


It has to start somewhere, it has to start sometime, what better place than here? What better time than now?” -RATM


Anarchist Black Cross (WA) – Indonesia (PALANG HITAM ANARKIS)

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